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时间:2016-09-05   来源:bck体育app(中国)网络科技有限公司  点击:125

                                   2016 -2017学年第一学期英语第三类作业背诵篇目








Unit 1


Section B, 2b

Unit 6


Section B, 2b

Unit 2


Section B, 2b

Unit 7


Section B, 2b

Unit 3


Section B, 2b

Unit 8


Section B, 2b

Unit 4


Section B, 2b

Unit 9


Section B, 2b

Unit 5


Section B, 2b


Passage 1

Today is April 15th. Myclassmates and I took part in the tour toShuihuTown.It was organized by our school.ShuihuTownis one of the mostbeautiful scenery sports. It attracts a lot of tourists to come every year,including many foreign tourists from different countries. I volunteered as aguide to introduce Shuihu culture to some foreigners. They were very happy. Ithink protecting its environment is also very important. So I helped themanager to stop uncivilized behavior, for example, telling them no to throwlitter here and there. There were many tourists today. A couple put theirhearts into the beautiful scenery so that their child was lost. As last, Ihelped the lost child to find his parents.

I was busy and tired but alsohappy.

Passage 2

Living a healthy life

It’simportant for us to live a healthy life. How to live a healthy life? I thinkthese suggestions are useful.

First of all, good eating habitsare the main way of living a healthy lifestyle. For example, breakfast is themost important meal of the day. Besides, eating more fruits and vegetablesevery day is a healthy life plan.

Secondly, exercise is part of lifebecause it keeps the body and the mind in good shape. Exercise reduces stressand leads to a good sleep.

Finally, let’s learn to relax.Maybe reading is a good way to make you feel relaxed.

In conclusion, we should keep ahealthy lifestyle.

Passage 3

Hello,May I have your attention, please?

Today, we have a new classmate. Her name is Sophia. She is fromSydney,Australia,and she is 15 years old.She is anoutgoing girl with big eyes and she likes to make others happy. She is good atswimming.All the classmates in ourclass are hard-working and helpful. So I think we can get on well with Sophia.I hope we can do a lot of group work and make rapid progress together in thefuture.

That’s all, thank you.

Passage 4

Our Dreams

LastFriday, our class held a class meeting about our dreams.Here is my report. Liu Wei wants to be ateacher when she grows up. She is going to study education.Li Ming wants to be a policeman. He doessports every day. Su Juan wants to be a movie star. She is going to take actinglessons. I want to be an English teacher. I will study hard at English from nowon. I’m sure our dreams will come true one day.

Passage 5

Howtime flies! A school year has nearly passed. What am I going to do in the newschool year? Just as the old saying goes, “Good beginning is half done.” So I’mgoing to make a plan for thenew schoolyear.

First, I’m going to work harder at school. I’m going to listen to theteachers carefully in class. I’m going to finish my homework in time. Second,I’m going to do more sports and get more exercise. Third, I want to be a betterchild at home. I’m going to talk more with my parents andhelp them with housework.

I’msure I can do better than now.

Passage 6

I want toinvent a family doctor robot

I want to invent a family doctor robot. Withit people will cure the illness without going out of their home. It will bevery helpful and useful because of the following reasons.

First, you can see the doctor at once at homewhen you feel sick or get hurt. It will save us a lot of time, especially inemergency situations.

What’s more, hospitals today are alwaysfilled with patients, so not everyone can be taken good care of. However, withthe help of our robot doctors, you can talk to your personal doctor one to onewhenever you want.

In short, family doctor robots can make greatcontribution to our society.

Passage 7

Sunday, June 21stsunny

Today is Father’s Day. I got up early andcooked breakfast for my father. First, I boiled some water in the pot andcooked eggs and noodles in it for a few minutes. Then I cut up some vegetablesand meat, and put them in another pot of hot soup. Finally, I put the noodlesin the big bowl, added eggs, meat, vegetables and some salt. My father had thenoodles happily. He said it was delicious. I felt proud and happy, too. Fromnow on, I will help my parents do more housework. I hope my parents are in goodhealth forever.

Passage 8

Hi! Mike,

Thanks for inviting me to your home. But I’msorry I can’t visit you next Saturday. I’ll be busy that day. In the morning, Ihave to do my homework. I have too much homework. In the afternoon, I havesoccer training with the school team. In the evening, I am going to the movieswith my friends. There is a new movie. I think it’s interesting and exciting. Ican’t miss it. Can you watch it with us next Saturday evening?

Please write soon.



Passage 9


I’ve received your letter and I know youargued with your parents. I really worry about you. I think it’s wrong for youto spend much time on computer games and it’s right for your parents to ask younot to do so. Playing computer games not only wastes your time but also hurtsyour eyes. And it’s not good for your study, either. You should understand yourparents and respect them. You should learn to get on well with them. So youmust say sorry to them and communicate with them. You should not play computergames. Study harder and help to do more chores at home.

Please be happy and everything will bebetter.


Zhang Wei

Passage 10

How toget relaxed

Lastweek we had a discussion about the ways to get relaxed. Some students thoughtwe could get relaxed by communicating with parents and friends. And we couldalso go to the movies and go sightseeing to relax ourselves. Other studentssaid they would like to have sports or listen to music to get relaxed. In myopinion, relaxing is important. When we are stressed out, we can’t study well.So we need to relax ourselves. We can do sports, play computer games or listento music when we are under too much pressure. We can go shopping or takevacations, too. In this way, we can get better grades and enjoy the colorfullife.





Unit 1


Section A 3apara.2

Unit 2


Section A 4bpara.4

Unit 3


Section B 2bpara.2

Unit 4


Section A 3apara.2

Unit 5


Section A 3apara.1

Unit 6


Section A 3apara.3

Unit 7


Section B 2bpara.4 5

Unit 8


Section A 3apara.1



Dear Xiao Dong,

I’m gladto receive your e-mail. You ask me something about how to make friends. Thefollowing is my advice.

Everyoneneeds friends, so how to make friends is very important. First, you must befriendly to others if you want to make friends with them. Then, look afterothers more than yourself. In my opinion, try to make the stranger feel easy.If you have different opinions, you can discuss with others. I don’t think it’snecessary to quarrel with them.

Finally,I don’t trust those people who leave you when you are in trouble, because afriend in need is a friend indeed.

I hopeeverything goes on well with you, and you’ll make a lot of good friends.





I’m surprised this kind of thingshould happen in your country.Here inChinaparents usually take their children to all kinds of crash courses after class, whichare supposed to help them get top grades in all exams. But in my family my parentstreat me as their friend and don’t put too much pressure on me and allow me todevelop my own interest in art, music and sports. So I’m pretty lucky in thisaspect. I suggest that you have a heart-to-heart talk with your parents andtell them that they should set high standards, reward achievement but notpunish poor performance. I’m sure they will understand you sooner or later.





I have received your letter andI’m glad to give you some suggestions.

First of all, don’t bedisappointed. Many students find it difficult to write well. In my opinion, ifyou want to improve your writing, you can do several things.

To begin with, do some study withset phrases and sentence structures. Keep a list of them and make some sentenceswith them. And, in order to write well, you must learn to read much, which willcontribute to building your vocabulary and help to better your writing skills. Besides,you’d better recite some good passages, where you can enjoy many beautifulsentences and learn some useful expressions. What’s more, keeping a diary is aneffective way. You can have a try without delay and it’s necessary to practisewriting as often as possible.

Follow your dream and you’ll findsuccess is just around the corner! Good luck to you in your writing.



DearLi Ping,

The National Day is over. We spenta happy 7-day long leave.

My parents and I went to thecountryside not far away from our home to have a two-day trip by bicycle. Weset out at 7 o’clock in the morning on October 1.My dad and I took differentkinds of things for our picnic. Having got there, we began to fish. After thatwe enjoyed my mum’s cooking, which was very delicious. Cycling there mademyself completely relaxed. Beautiful scenery and warmth with my parents made mea lot happier. Besides, we stayed in my uncle’s and had a small family partythere at night. We returned the next afternoon. I had a great time on NationalDay.

Hope to hear from you soon.




After a heated discussion, ourclass has decided to recommend(推荐) Li Hua as the Touching Figure OnCampus.

We have every reason to believe heis qualified for the honor. First, Li Hua is always willing to offer us helpwhenever necessary. Besides, his great devotion to work as monitor makes ourclass a best place to study in. And what has impressed us most is hisunconditional love to poor children. Last summer vacation, he volunteered toteach English in a small village, which has inspired many other students tojoin in and thus helped open up a new world to those children as well.

All in all, his selfless lovetouches our heart. Therefore, we strongly support Li Hua as the Touching FigureOn Campus.

Passage 6

Qian Xuesen, regarded as thefather ofChina’s spaceprogram, was born in1911 inShanghai. In1935,Qian went toAmericafor further study and was highly thought of by Von Karman because of his greatachievements. In 1938, he obtained his doctor’s degree in aerospace science andmathematics in theUS.In 1950,he heard the New China had been founded and succeeded in coming back tohis homeland in 1955 though the American government tried to stop him. Since1958 he had been devoted to aerospace science and technology and contributed alot to the cause ofChina’saerospace. In 2009,he passed away inBeijing.Because of the love for his country and the great achievements, he has receivedthe respect and admiration from the people.


MyFavorite Sport

Of all the sports, I likebasketball best. I have been crazy about basketball players ever since I was achild. I think they look cool when they play basketball. I hope I can be verypopular like them one day.

As we all know, basketball is asport that needs teamwork. It helps me learn how to cooperate with others. What’smore, playing basketball can build up my body, keep me healthy and train mybrain.

I have played basketball for aboutthree years. I have made many good friends through this sport. Basketball willbe part of my life and give me good memories.


October 10th was the birthday ofour school. Our class did a lot for this

year’sanniversary celebration.The day before the celebration, we did a thorough cleaning. Webeautified the schoolyard with balloons and flags, which surely created afestive atmosphere. We also helped prepare an exhibition of school history. Onthat special day, some of the classmates served as volunteers, welcoming theguests at the school gate. During the celebration, some teachers and studentsput on performances, which greatly impressed the guests. All the people reallyhad a good time and treasured countless memories.



Abraham Lincoln was born inKentuckyin February, 1809.He had very little formal schooling and was mostly self-educated. He became alawyer in 1836.Lincoln married Mary Todd in 1841.They had four sons, but onlyone survived. Abraham Lincoln became the 16th President of theUnited States of Americain 1860.He eventuallyled to the freeing of all slaves in theUSA. During the Civil War,Lincolngave manyspeeches, including the famous Gettysburg Address.Lincolnwas re-elected President in 1864.

Lincolnwas shot in 1865 at Ford’sTheater and died the next morning.

Abraham Lincoln is considered asone of the greatest presidents in theUnited States.



I am writing to request thevaluable chance to be one of the host families for the American students.

My parents are in favor of my ideathat I host an American student. We live in a beautiful community. Luckily, wehave extra rooms for guests so that they can have private living space. I am astudent of Xinhua high school, open-minded and enthusiastic. What’s more, I’mquite good at English and we can communicate easily.

If an American student stays withus, I’ll be a good guide to get him to some places of interest in our area.Besides, my parents and I will help him to make Chinese meals, such as jiaozi, noodles,etc.

We have the confidence to make theAmerican student feel at home and have some sweet memories.

Looking forward to your reply.

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua


Passage 1

Liu Huan, one of the most popular singers inChina, was born inTianjinon August 26th 1963.

He is able to sing songs of different styles,ranging from popular music to rock music and from Chinese folk songs to foreignsongs. He is not only a singer but also a composer.

He has achieved great success in music. Hesang and composed hundreds of songs, most of which are very popular all overthe country. So he was honored with many titles. He was also invited to writeand sing songs for international sports meetings including the 29th OlympicGames in 2008.

Liu Huan is a man of various abilities. Besidesthe talent in music, he is also interested in many other things such as tourismand arts.

Passage 2

Save our limited farmland

It’s a well-known fact that the population ofour country is growing rapidly while farmland is being lost day by day. Accordingto the latest statistics, land suitable for farming only makes up about 10% ofthe total land in our country. Worse still, factories, roads, railways andhouses use up a lot of land, especially farmland.

We now here call on all people to save andprotect our farmland. Remember once our farmland is gone, it will be impossibleto get it back.

The Students’ Union

Wednesday, March 19

Passage 3

The active part of humour

In the social communication humour alwaysshows a person’s personalities. If you deal with everything with a sense ofhumour, you will get people to feel happy. It also shows that you are awell-educated person.

You are healthy and happy with your sense ofhumour, for it can always keep you in high spirits, which will do good to yourhealth mentally and physically. A sense of humour gets you close to others, andat the same time you will also have more friends. If you are a humorous person,people feel it a pleasure to be with you, for you help them to see things froman entirely different and a much brighter point of view. You give peoplestrength to progress in creating a humorous society and world.

Passage 4

I’m so glad to hear that you’re coming toChinasoon. I’m writing to tell you something about body language in Chinese schools.InChina,it’s always seen that girls go to school or go out to play hand in hand.However, it’s strange that boys go to school hand in hand. At the beginning ofa class, we usually stand up to greet our teacher. If a teacher pats you on theshoulder, don’t worry. He’s just trying to encourage or comfort you. Besides, youshould pay attention to hugs which may be very common in your country. InChina,hugs are used among very close friends, but they are not frequently used inschools.


Li Lei

Passage 5

Disneyland inHong Kongis one of the most famous theme parks people are familiar with. It is namedafter Walt Disney.

You can do a lot of things here. You maytravel through space, enjoy meeting your favorite fairy tale or Disney cartooncharacters, such as Snow White, Mickey Mouse, etc. What’s more, it has variousexciting rides for visitors to enjoy themselves. It is not only an amusementpark, but it can provide people with a variety of things to see and do. Nowonder many people come to visit every day.

Welcome toDisneylandto have fun!

Passage 6


I’m sorry to hear that you havebeen ill for days. I hope you’ll get well soon. You have studied so hard thatyou have had no time to do exercise, which harms your health. I think it wouldbe much better for your studies if you could pay more attention to your healthin the future.

Exercise, which is as useful andimportant as your study, can not only build up your body but also refresh yourmind. Only when you have a strong body can you ensure that your study will notbe interrupted from time to time by sickness.

It would be a good idea to takeone hour’s exercise every day. I’ll be very happy to see you come back toschool soon.


Li Hua

Passage 7

London, situated on theThamesRiver,is the capital and largest city of theU.K.with a population of about 7.2million. It is also the political center of theUnited Kingdom, where lies theBuckinghamPalace.

There are many cultural relics andfamous buildings in the city ofLondon,which attract more than 8 million tourists from all over the world every year. TheBritishMuseum,the greatest one in the world, displays all kinds of relics ofBritainand othercountries. Besides, theTowerofLondon, Karl Marx’sStatue and so on are also very famous attractions.

Therefore, it is well worthvisiting for people all around the world.

Passage 8

What life will be like in thefuture? As far as I can imagine, there will be an android in every family. Theandroid should have artificial intelligence and it can handle everything fromhousework to all kinds of activities. When it comes to the means oftransportation, we will see a kind of environmentally friendly car runningeverywhere. This kind of car will be powered by solar energy instead of gas, andit can run by itself without any driver. In the future the moon will become oneof our destinations for travels.

What an inviting life! I hope theday will come soon.



Recently, our school has carriedout a survey on volunteer workand different students have different attitudes.

80% of the students are in favorof doing voluntary work and they firmly believe that by doing voluntary work, theycan gain valuable experience and skills, which are helpful for their study andfuture career. However, 20% of the students are against voluntary work. Theythink the work is done without payment and it is a waste of time.

In my opinion, each of us shouldmake a contribution to society. No matter how small it is, it will help make adifference.




May I have all your attentionplease.Therewill be a talk on students’ life in American middle schools tomorrow afternoon.It will be given from two to four o’clock in the lecture theatre. The speakeris Mr.White, head of the American students’ delegation. All the Senior 2students are required to attend the lecture. Students in the other grades arealso welcome. When the talk is finished, will the students in Senior 2 pleasestay where they are for a discussion with the American students?That’ll be followed by a party. Please get prepared. Thankyou!










How are things going?You never know how much I miss you these days when you aren't by my side.

Thank you so much forwhat you have done to help me with my English. Since I began my new term ofGrade 3, I have met with two new obstacles. The first one is that I find itdifficult to keep so many words by heart every day, and the second one is thatI often feel nervous when facing English tests. I really hope that you can giveme some good advice on how to enlarge my vocabulary and overcome my fear oftests. I hold the belief that I can make a lot of progress in English with yourhelp.

By the way, pleasecome back toChinafor a visit whenever it is convenient for you. I am looking forward to seeingyou again.




根据下列图示以“The New Grading System in OurSchool”为题为你校英语报写一篇短文,说明这一举措以及你对学校实施这一举措的认识。


2.生词:评分体制grading system 参与participation(n.)

The NewGrading System in Our School

In order to helpstudents develop their abilities in all fields, our school now has asked theteachers to make some changes in the grading system. This chart shows how itworks.

The students' finalscore will be made up of 5 parts. About 30% of it will come from their testresults. The rest of the score is decided by the performances of the studentsin the following parts: 20% comes from your notes, and another 20% is decidedby how you do your homework. If you take an active part in classroom activities,you can get another 20% of the score. Teamwork in class is also important. Ifyou want a higher score, you should be good at working together with yourclassmates.


假如你是银川一中高一新生李华,从学校贴吧(post bar)里获知学校广播部(the broadcasting station)正从高一新生中招收新成员,要求嗓音好、普通话标准且有奉献精神。你希望加入广播部。请用英语写一封申请信,要点如下:








Very_glad_to_know_in_the_post_bar_that_our_school_broadcasting_station_needs_new_members_this_term.I'm writing to apply to be one of you!

I am Li Hua, aboy/girl from Senior One. I have ever been a broadcaster for one term before,and in Junior Three I gained the first prize in the contest of Putonghua of ourgrade. My friends around always tell me my voice sounds beautiful. Of course, Iknow clearly being a broadcaster calls for extra devotion and more hours afterschool are necessary for better performance. Perhaps, my high school life willbe busier with such a task every day, but I'd like to develop myself and hopeto obtain more knowledge after class to make my new school life morefulfilling.

I'm eager for yourreply and I'll be more than happy if you can consider my application. Pleasecontact me by telephone at 5103123 or email at lihua101@hotmail.com.












Recently,_while_browsing_a_senior_high_school_website_of_New_Zealand,_I_saw_the_message_you_posted_on_it.I get to know your wishes that you intend to travel inBeijingduring the summer vacation with aChinese student as your guide.

Learning this news, Iam really willing to travel with you and introduceBeijingto you. I know as a brilliant guide Iam supposed to make your journey interesting and meaningful. For one thing, Iwill keep you company visiting numerous great places of interest and enjoy thewonderful sightseeing. For another, I am going to tell you the long and richhistory ofBeijing.

I am looking forwardto the reply from you. With all my wishes you could give me this honor.














We_took_part_in_a_voluntary_activity_organized_by_our_school_last_Sunday.We gathered at theCulture Square,passing leaflets to passers­by from which they can learn what the earthquake isand how to protect themselves against the earthquake. The leaflets drew theattention of the public to the damage that an earthquake can cause and toldthem to take action in a right and efficient way. Some made a public speech,telling people about the best place they can hide when an earthquake occurs.

We have learned muchfrom the voluntary activity, which offers us an opportunity to contribute tosociety. We told the public about the situation because we thought everyoneshould be concerned about each other and take responsibility for promoting apublic cause.












Recently_Xi'an_has_often_seen_the_heavy_smog_weather,_which_has_done_great_harm_to_our_daily_life.Due to the heavy smog many traffic accidents happened, and some people gotinjured and some even lost their lives. Besides, more and more people who aresuffering symptoms related to smog have to go to see the doctor.

Now that we have realized thegreat harm caused by the smog, we should take measures to reduce the smog. Itis vital to make it by educating people especially factory owners to raisetheir awareness of protecting the environment. People should go to work by busor by bike if possible instead of driving and plant more trees to absorb andclean the polluted air. Only in this way can we save ourselves from the smog.

I sincerely hope all the citizensinXi'ancanwork together to do something to save the air we breathe every day.





※餐厅供餐时间:7:30a.m. — 9:00 a.m.;5:30 p.m. — 8:00 p.m.





I'm_very_glad_to_hear_that_you_will_come_to_my_city_for_short­term_language_training.In your letter, you asked me something about Tower Hotel. Now I'd like to tellyou some detailed information about it.

Tower Hotel is located onYuanda Road. Gothrough the gate of the entrance, and you will see the high building — TowerHotel, in front of which lies a beautiful garden. Behind the building is aswimming pool, where you can go swimming for relaxing. Near the swimming poolstands a dinning hall, and there meals are served from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and between 5:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.

Last but not least, as toaccommodation fees, everyone should pay 200 yuan per day. If you need furtherinformation, please enquire at the reception desk on the ground floor whenyou've arrived here.













I suppose you may be a littleunhappy because of me as you were expecting me to come in any circumstances. Iam extremely sorry for not going to watch the football game together with youyesterday afternoon. Please accept my sincere apology. Yesterday afternoon Iwas going to leave the dormitory when I received my mother's call telling meshe would come for a visit. You know I hadn't seen her for a couple of monthsand I did miss her. So I had to cancel the appointment with you.

In order to make up for it, let'smeet at Doe's Cafe at noon next Wednesday. It will be my treat.










生词:春联SpringFestival couplets


I'm_very_glad_to_receive_your_email.I'm willing to tell you about how we Chinese celebrate the Spring Festival. Theday just before the lunar New Year, every family will paste the Spring Festivalcouplets on the door and make preparations for making dumplings. On New Year'sEve, family members sit together, enjoying the delicious dumplings as well asappreciating the Spring Festival gala. When the New Year bell rings, all thepeople will cheer and firecrackers are set off. With the New Year's Day coming,people will dress up and go out to visit friends and relatives to pay NewYear's call each other. Everywhere is filled with joy.

Could you please drop me a linetalking about how westerners celebrate the New Year?














I'm very glad to know you willarrive at Kaifeng for a visit at 8:00a.m. next Saturday.Warmly welcome to our city. It is a pity that I can't meet you at the stationfor some reason. However, don't worry. I'll tell you how to get toKaifengDragonPavilionPark. After you get outof the exit, walk straight ahead for about 50 meters. Then you'll find No.1 busstop. Take it and get off at the stop of theDragonPavilionPark. It may take youabout 30 minutes to arrive. I'll wait for you at the gate of the park at 9:00 a.m.



